谷歌教主前妻节俭成性:搭免费地铁 违章泊车 (E/C 图)


谷歌教主前妻节俭成性:搭免费地铁 违章泊车 (E/C 图)

  越有钱就越节俭!Google创办人布林(Sergey Brin)的41岁分居妻子武伊齐茨基(Anne  Wojcicki),尽管她可以从布林300亿美元身家中分得一笔可观的赡养费,但她自爆自己是“小气鬼”、吝啬狂,自小就爱“贪小便宜”,最大的娱乐竟 是周末乘搭免费地铁。




  武 伊齐茨基讨厌消费,认为省钱可以令生活更有创意,她现在最大的奢侈是将汽车停泊在机场,让她下飞机后可以早点回家,“这值得多付数百元”。她也会将汽车非 法停泊在路边,“我常常收到罚单”,但坦言因违章泊车罚款也是物超所值,“我们计算过,被抄牌的几率是五五分成,但这样节省时间,而且我也负担得起”。

  武伊齐茨基因布林去年搭上女下属罗森堡(Amanda Rosenberg)而分居,两人育有一子一女,她在访问中首度开口谈及与布林的关系,“我们仍然是夫妻,但要承认婚姻比较困难,尤其对已有孩子的夫妇,下决心分开更是不易”。

  布 林因借用武伊齐茨基姐姐家的车库开发Google而结缘,两人均在“在节俭环境下长大”,并于2007年结婚,去年因罗森堡介入而分开。罗森堡是香港出生 的港英混血儿,传她感情生活丰富,勾搭上布林前曾与Google旗下Android副总裁巴拉(Hugo Barra)有染,还让巴拉躲到中国。

Anne Wojcicki may share a $29 billion wealth with estranged husband Sergey Brin, but that doesn't mean she passes up on freebies.

According to an interview Wojcicki did with the Sunday Times, the 23andMe CEO has some surprisingly stingy habits.

She said that she used to drink so much carrot juice — which was free at her office — that she got sick and actually turned orange.

"I grew up with my mom being very, very cheap, so when it’s free I’m like, 'Oh my God, it’s free — I have to take as much as I can!'" she said.

Though Wojcicki doesn't have to be frugal, she says she misses living on a budget. She never orders drinks when she goes out to eat at a restaurant. She has even calculated that it's worth it to park illegally rather than pay to park each time.

"I get parking tickets all the time," she said. "We've worked out the stats and it's 50-50 odds of getting a ticket and the cost versus time saved means I can accept it."

"'I think being on a constraint with money makes you much more creative," she said.

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