丈夫勉为其难 妻子如沐春风

图文来源: 互联网 (仅供参考)

编辑: HM

发表于: 2014/11/15



举世瞩目的中国国家主席习近平与日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的会晤终于发生了。


Russian leader Vladimir Putin stole the limelight on Monday when at an APEC party he carefully placed a shawl over the shoulders of China's stylish first lady Peng Liyuan. A gracious Ms Peng accepted the offer, but removed the shawl only seconds later, replacing it with her own black jacket. It was a fleeting moment but captured on live television.
It happened before. He once covered German Chancellor Merkel with a shawl at a previous G20 summit.
Coincidentally, 11 November is the so-called Single's Day in China.
Some saw the shawl moment as an opportunity to offer advice to China's singletons, who were exhorted to copy Mr Putin's chivalrous advances: "Attention, for those considerate gentleman, please always remember to take blankets around." 做暖男要随身带毯子。


the fraternal relations 兄弟般
macho strongman image 猛男强人形象
solicitous act 热情似火的行为
social media highlight 社交媒体的亮点