
图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2014/03/06



事发于加拿大Winnipeg的一家Sears分店,当时这名Sears的职员要求一名顾客将其坐在剪草机上的孩子领下来,表示那并不是玩具。随后 这名职员说了一句:Let me guess, you just came off the boat? (让我猜猜,你是刚刚下船的吧?) 暗指对方是新移民。
但是这名英语流利的顾客很明显不是刚下船。他听出了对方的言下之意,火冒三丈,立刻要求见经理,并要求开除这个“种族主义者”。把事件经 过拍下来的旁观者恰好也是亚裔。他在接受CBC采访时表示,他自己也经历过类似的事:他在一家商店打工时,一名女顾客想当然地以为他是朝鲜人,当他表示自己是菲律宾裔时,对方满不在乎地说,反正对她来说他们都一样。

Employee fired from Sears after racial remark caught on video

An employee has been fired from a Winnipeg Sears store, after a video showed a racial comment uttered at a customer. It was posted on Facebook.

Tempers were already high between an unidentified man and a store employee. The man says “Let me guess - you came from Domo?” Then, the employee replies, "Let me guess, you came off the boat?"

The man immediately demands that the worker be fired and then begins shouting profanities.

When reached by CTV, a manager at the store said the altercation happened on Saturday.

The employee was fired late Monday, after initially being suspended with pay.

“We concluded the majority of our investigation and have terminated the employee involved in the Polo Park incident,” said Vince Power from Sears in an email.

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