加拿大雇主雇佣新人 工资补助计划 Wage Subsidy Program

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2013/06/17




工资补助计划 (Wage Subsidy Program)的网址:http://www.canadabusiness.ca/eng/page/2739/

Employer Wage Incentive — Workforce Expansion

To help offset hiring costs, you could receive a $2,800 incentive to hire eligible youth between the ages of 15 and 29.
As an employer you may receive an additional $1,000 to purchase training for newly hired youth.

To qualify for funding through the program, you must:
• Be in business for a minimum of one year
• Be in good standing with WorkSafe BC
• Employ the new hire for a minimum of three months and 30 hours per week
• Apply and be approved for the funding before the new hire starts working