章子怡 张雨绮

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2013/05/23



2013年张雨绮受某时尚杂志邀请,首次亮相第66届戛纳电影节开幕式,一袭Ulyana Sergeenko绿色礼服裙搭配卡地亚(Cartier)红宝石系列首饰,复古发型和烈焰红唇与古典长裙非常搭调;玫瑰金手包既增加贵气又不俗气。
(补) 在走短短20米的戛纳红毯,张雨绮走出了3分50秒的好成绩。根据现场记者记录,张雨绮献出了8次飞吻、1次招手、2次示意“下雨了”。

Red Carpet Fashion Awards(RCFA)国际知名的红毯时尚点评网站,专门由时尚点评人将全球女星在红毯上的造型发布,供网友进行点评。

x-ren attended the... in x-di China this weekend. The chinese actress wore a x-brand fall 2012 couture gown for the occasion.

Her strawberry sleeveless gown, featuring a unique petal-layered bodice with a velvet waist belt, certainly stood out against the dark background.

I have very mixed feelings about this look.

The top half is divine; so is the train. The lighter part in the middle doesn’t work for me.

I would’ve preferred it had the skirt been a dark berry hue, but this would’ve ruined the ombre effect of the gown, so again I have very strong mixed feelings about this look.

上半身为红色鱼鳞状设计搭配深V形剪裁,下半身则为渐变拖尾长裙,高雅又飘逸。“What a stunning piece of creation!”