加拿大合法性爱年龄16岁以上 დ 滚床单男伴别忘戴套

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2012/12/21



搞出人命后 → 1、找孩子他爹结婚 2、人流 3、找接力棒 4、生下来找人收养 5、单亲妈妈


①men vasectomy (男性输精管结扎术) ②condom (避孕套) ③birth control pill (避孕药) ④IUD (宫内节育器、放环、取环removal) ⑤IVF (试管婴儿) ⑥人工流产药物终止妊娠(药流)。

What is Canada’s age of consent?
The age of consent for sexual activity is 16 years. It was raised from 14 years on May 1, 2008 by the Tackling Violent Crime Act.

However, the age of consent is 18 years where the sexual activity "exploits" the young person -- when it involves prostitution, pornography or occurs in a relationship of authority, trust or dependency (e.g., with a teacher, coach or babysitter). Sexual activity can also be considered exploitative based on the nature and circumstances of the relationship, e.g., the young person's age, the age difference between the young person and their partner, how the relationship developed (quickly, secretly, or over the Internet) and how the partner may have controlled or influenced the young person.

Source: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/clp/faq.html