♫ 蒹葭 Where is she?

图文来源: 袁梅(翻译)

发表于: 2012/09/28




蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜;The reeds grow green, Frosted dew-drops gleam.
所谓伊人,在水一方。Where was she seen? Beyond the stream.
溯洄从之,道阻且长;Upstream I go, The way’s so long.
溯游从之,宛在水中央。And downstream, lo! She’s there among.

蒹葭萋萋,白露未晞;The reeds turn white, Dew not yet dried.
所谓伊人,在水之湄。Where’s she so bright? On the Other side.
溯洄从之,道阻且跻;Upstream I go, Hard is the way.
溯游从之,宛在水中坻。And downstream, lo! She’s far away.

蒹葭采采,白露未已;The reeds still there, With frost dews blend.
所谓伊人,在水之涘。Where’s she so fair? At river’s end.
溯洄从之,道阻且右;Upstream I go, The way does wind.
溯游从之,宛在水中沚。And downstream, lo! She’s far behind.
