☏ 温哥华消费者「投诉」渠道

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2012/04/21





①买卖交易前最好先查询大温商誉局(Better Business Bureau,BBB, 商誉促进局)有关公司的商誉评级 http://www.bbb.org/search?ref=164,消费者也可致电BBB查证商家的背景:604-682-2711。
BC省低陆平原地区商誉促进局服务中心的高级媒体顾问(Senior Communications Advisor)Evan Kelly

当消费者遇到问题,均可向卑诗消费者权益保护局(Consumer Protection BC, CPBC, 卑诗消费者保障协会)投诉及申请赔偿,可致电604-320-1667查询。

CPBC将推出全新在线纠纷调解系统(Online Dispute Resolution,ODR),希望为消费者和商家提供一个公平的市场环境和沟通平台,解决买卖纠纷。
想投诉的话,可先上协会网站(http://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca)主页,通过解决问题(Resolving Problem)栏目进入,下载投诉表格。投诉表格填写完毕后,可通过邮寄,传真或电子邮件的方式发至协会;协会在收到投诉表格之后会根据投诉对象的不同行业来安排相关工作人员进行跟踪处理,工作人员也会跟投诉方联系。目前Rogers、Robbin Parking以及Shaw等公司已经入驻。目前系统正在试运阶段。

③BC省华人消费者协会(Canadian Chinese Consumers Association,CCCA)只接受书面投诉。
邮寄方法:华人消费者协会投诉部门,#260-4351 No.3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 3A7 Canada
理事 谢焯如

④加拿大消费者协会Consumers’ Association of Canada
「精明消费者委员会」该会主席刘天就。从7 Mar 2013起为大温居民提供免费打任何国家的长途电话服务。另外3月份每周日上午11时开始,省注册中药、针灸陈昶仁医师为社区民众义诊赠药。

本地人常去的Yelp网站,上面有对各商家(主要是衣、食、住、行、教育、就医、娱乐、购物等各种服务行业)的大众点评。只要注册成为Yelp的用户,还可以对商家评分、发表自己对该商家的体验供其他消费者参考。如果是具体产品的话,知名购物网站比如Amazon、Best Buy等,在每个产品下面都有用户评论可参考。


To whom it may concern,
投诉信第一句要写 I am writing this letter to complain ****** (投诉具体店家和人)

I went Shoppers on Saturday morning(Sep 19)around 9:00 am and planned to buy a lot of stuffs. When I went to the counter to pay for the goods I bought, I asked the cashier "could you check the total price for me?" She gave me a face and said "the price is all listed on the shelf." What I felt was that she was not friendly and impolite which made me felt uncomfortable. Even if the price is listed on the shelf, I just want to know the total of them and plus the tax. She could just do it by scanning them within a few seconds. But instead she just kept nagging at me by saying the same word "you can check by yourself." and gave me a face. I am just saying even if I do not buy the goods in the end, it is nothing wrong for me to ask the cashier with the price. Actually in the end I bought all the goods in the basket. But I was not satisfied with the service that your cashier provided. Moreover, I believe the cashier was actually the manager in the store since she was wearing a blue shirt on that day and anyone else was wearing a grey shirt. So I did not make any complain in the store. If she is the manager of the store, I do not think such unmotivated and negative attitude employee would lead a good team in your company. I understand it was Saturday morning, everyone was on the weekend. But she still has to work, maybe felt a bit upset. But she should never treat a customer like this, especially she was the manager of the store.