老美描述一個人的性格 (E/C)


老美描述一個人的性格,所用的字眼,往往含有一些口語或俚語,似乎顯得「含蓄」、「細膩」,有時也較「簡潔」、「有力」。以下都是道地常用的美語,咱們有時也可派上用場。(例句中的主詞、動詞時態、單複數,都可隨意改變) 這裡我分兩方面來說:


He constantly berates and belittles his wife for some trivial matter. 他常常為了芝麻小事,痛罵和貶低他的太座。
(berate 痛罵=scold;belittle 貶低,小看)

She is self-centered, deceitful, manipulative, promiscuous and enjoys the chaos and drama caused by her bad choices.
(deceit n.欺騙;promiscuous多指男女亂交;chaos雜亂)

Mr. A always takes his anger out on his wife and children. A先生常常拿他的太太和孩子出氣。
(to take one's anger out on someone拿某人出氣)

I don't believe them; they are up to their old tricks. 我不信任他們;他們在耍他們的老花招。
(to be up to one's tricks耍花招,惡作劇)

All he will do is to put bamboo shoots underneath your nails. 他的所作所為,就是要讓你受苦受罪。
(to put bamboo shoots underneath someone's nails 就是在某人的指甲下插入尖竹;= to torture someone 或 to give someone hard time)

She made herself a laughing stock to those around her. 她把自己成為她周圍人談話的笑柄。
(laughing stock 笑柄)

He is not only a penny-pincher, but also a very judgmental person. 他不但是位吝嗇鬼,也是位喜歡自作評價者。
(judgmental 自作判斷;penny-pincher 小氣鬼)

Mr. A created a circus, a humiliation and the embarrassment of all time.
(circus=mess;humiliation 蒙羞;embarrassment 難堪,窘迫)

As he is nasty, his wife is getting cross and downright hateful with him.
(to get cross = to get mad; downright 十足地 = absolutely)

He is insensitive, selfish and often just plain rude. 他是麻木不仁,自私自利,顯然地粗魯無禮。
(insensitive 無感覺的,麻木的;rude粗野的,無禮的)

Being drunk and belligerent, he turned the air (around them) blue with profanity.
(blue = blue language下流語言 = profane language; to turn the air blue = to profane the air = to fill the air with profanity)

While I was talking he cut me short, it makes me feel like a freak.
(to cut someone short 指打斷某人說話,老美認為很不禮貌。freak = useless person)

He is extremely narcissistic and passively aggressive and controlling as well as abusive.
(narcissist 自我陶醉者;narcissistic 孤芳自賞的;aggressive 帶有侵犯性的)

Mr. B refuses to part with a dime, unless it is for himself; he has always been a tightwad.
(to part with = to spend; tightwad = penny-pincher = cheapskate吝嗇鬼)

As a heel, he has all kinds of tongue-in-cheek expressions. 他是位粗魯的人,總說許多不三不四的話。
(heel 卑鄙的傢伙;tongue-in-cheek 不可當真的,無誠意的 = not sincerely)

I am perplexed as to why he gave you such hardship. 我很難了解他為什麼給你這樣的難處。
(perplex v. 困惑,弄糊塗)

Her behavior has become exhibitionist and totally out of character.
(exhibitionist 表現狂,當形容詞 = exhibitionistic; out of character = different from normal character)

Judging from her behavior, she seems to be the Wicked Witch of the West.
(wicked 邪惡的; witch 女巫;Wicked Witch of the West = troubled woman 這是專指女人,W都要大寫)

I make no bones about the fact that Mr. C is my least-admired public figure.
(to make no bones about = frankly speaking)