老话「谁人背后无人说」 §° 英女王也会翻老帐

图文来源: 互联网 (仅供参考)

编辑: HM admin

发表于: 2016/10/12



英国女王日前出席今年举办的首场花园派对,当时宫务大臣William Peel为女王引荐Lucy D’Orsi,并介绍D’Orsi是去年习近平伉俪访问英国期间的指挥官,没想到女王流露真性情,不经意脱口而出:「Oh, bad luck!」(噢, 那真倒楣!) D’Orsi也附和说:“quite a testing time for me.” (那对我来说是很伤脑筋的…)、特别提到一次在兰切斯特宫的活动後,访问团无视她本人及同垱的英驻中大使吴百纳(Barbara Woodward)就转身离开(they walked out on both of us),“他们还临时放鸽子…”,女王接着说:“他们对咱们大使也非常粗鲁(very rude)呢!”
该片段由英女王随行摄影师Peter Wilkinson拍摄,与其他片段一同由白金汉宫发放予英国各大传媒。女王批中国的这段对话被屏蔽。


宫务大臣:Can I present Commander Lucy D'Orsi, who was Gold Commander during the Chinese state visit …
女王  :Oh, bad luck!
宫务大臣:…and who was seriously, seriously undermined by the Chinese, but she managed to hold her own and remain in command. And her mother, Judith, who's involved in child protection and social work.
警官之母:Yes, I'm very proud of my daughter.
宫务大臣:You must tell your story.
警官  :Yes, I was the Gold Commander so I'm not sure whether you knew, but it was quite a testing time for me.
女王  :Yes, I did.
警官  :It was, er, I think at the point that they walked out of Lancaster House and told me that the trip was off, that I felt err …
女王  :They were very rude to the ambassador.
警官  :They were, well, yes she was, Barbara was with me and they walked out on both of us.
女王  :Extraordinary.
警官之母:I know, it's unbelievable.
警官  :'It was very rude and very undiplomatic I thought …